Monday, 4 June 2012

Top tips for staying injury free this summer.

Now the sun is out and the evenings are light, more of you are out running and keeping fit.  Its not only the winter months when you are at risk of a sports injury. So here are some helpful tips to follow in order for you to avoid those niggling injuries.

1. Drink more water. Drinking more water helps you to stay hydrated, especially on these humid days when you're sweating more.  Hydrating your bodies cells reduces the risks of you suffering with cramp, and keeps you functioning at your best, as you will be able to concentrate more also.

2. Invest in a good pair of shoes. Don't scrimp on cheap shoes. This is very important if your wanting to stay injury free. Go to your nearest specialist shop; most will analyse your gait and assess your individual needs so that you get a shoe that is right for you.  Everyone is unique and has a different foot type and shape, and your bodies biomechanics will determine how you, the individual, will land, impact and push off from the ground. Wearing incorrect footwear will cause you unnecessary stresses and strains, which in time can lead to a sports injury.

3. Make sure you warm up and stretch properly.  Ideally you should exercise lightly for 5-10 minutes, or until you develop a light sweat, to gently warm your muscles. Then stretching each of your major muscles groups will help to alleviate any tension and tightness, allowing you to perform your sporting activity with a reduced risk of straining a muscle.  Research suggests that dynamic stretching is better for you than static stretching, as it is more functional and specific to the activity.

4. Cool down and stretch properly afterwards.  This is where a lot of people don't focus enough of their time. A lot of us are all too eager to get home and don't pay enough attention to stretching after exercise. But if you want to consistently train and wake each day with less stiffness and soreness, then this is one way you can minimise this risk.

5. Have a sports massage.  If your training hard or building your programme, one way to reduce the risk of injury is to have a sports massage. Sports massage helps to break down those knots and adhesions that develop from the accumulative effects of training hard, and helps improve circulation to your muscles, meaning they can stay working optimally and with less chance of becoming strained.

If you think you are suffering with a sports injury or you have a niggle which is worsening, then you should seek professional advice from a sports injury therapist or physiotherapist. 

Remember prevention is always better than cure!

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